Sunday, 3 January 2010

5x10 - The Goop On The Girl

Basic Plot:
Booth and Brennan investigate the case of a man in a Santa Claus costume who tried to rob a bank but was blown up in the process.

Brennan’s father invites distant relative Margeret Whitesell to spend Christmas with them, and the whole team ends up at Brennan’s apartment for the holidays.

Best Quote:
“I’m gunna… start reciting saints” - Booth, as Brennan is removing his clothing. (Oh, did I neglect to mention that? It was good times)

Best B/B Moment:
Brennan stripping Booth’s clothes off! (“Anyone for mistletoe?”) & “I must warn you… he’s very hard to resist”

Most Amusing Part of The Episode:
Anything with Daisy is pretty much brilliant. Also, Margeret and her Benjamin Franklin obsession. “Right, right. Hey hey! Good old Ben, you know, he invented electricity and the 100-dollar bill.” “Neither one of those things is true.”

Sweetest Part of The Episode:
the victim’s funeral actually made me cry. As did the “isn’t it heartcrushing?” “I think your heart muscle is bigger than people give you credit for”

Best Episode-Specific Character:
Margeret Whitesell. Her Franklin fanaticism was too good to not talk about.

Best Guest Star:
Zooey Deschanel! Two Deschanels in one episode is basically a dream come true for me.

Anything I’ve Missed?:
I quite liked the back story with Cam and Michelle. It was sweet, and it showed a lot of heart, but nobody tried to make it take up too much of the story, which I appreciated.

Overall Rating:
4.5 out of 5. Almost perfect. (I’m trying really hard to not just give away perfect ratings, as much as I want to! Otherwise the reviews would be too predictable!

I started this blog on tumblr, and decided to start it on here too
and I’m willing to take episode requests from now on, just so you know.

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